Trauma Sample Post

Psychological trauma is an emotional response caused by severe distressing events that are outside the normal range of human experiences.

Post : Sample Healing

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum [sonaar_audioplayer albums=”latest” progress_bar_style=”default” wave_bar_width=”1″ wave_bar_gap=”1″ player_layout=”skin_float_tracklist” tracklist_layout=”list” show_track_market=”true” show_playlist=”true”][/sonaar_audioplayer]

Blog: Story of Yusuf

A Reflection on the Story of Yusuf (as) How did Yusuf (as) demonstrate a hurma practice with the women and men at the well? Yusuf was betrayed three times, in varying degrees of severity, by those who should have protected or helped him. First, Yusuf was seized and dumped in a well, to die, or […]

Blog: Spiritual Harm & Abuse

What is Spiritual Abuse and Spiritual Harm? By Dr. Ingrid Mattson Spiritual abuse is the misuse of religious knowledge, authority or status to mistreat another person or group of people. Spiritual abuse can be direct, or can be an aspect of, or accompaniment to, another form of abuse. The greatest form of spiritual abuse is […]

Henna Khawja

Mental Health Advisor

Henna Khawja is a Registered Social Worker with a special focus on the spectrum of gender based violence in Muslim communities. With over twelve years in the field, Henna currently works in sexual violence prevention and education with the University of Toronto, and is a Psychotherapist in private practice. Henna has worked with children, youth and adults in community, legal, child protection, corporate and university settings. Henna has also acted as the first Clinical Director for the Islamic Family and Social Services Association (IFSSA) in Edmonton, Alberta. Over the years, she has focused her work on supporting Survivors of trauma and violence along their healing journeys (including but not limited to gender based, spiritual, domestic, intimate partner, sexual, family, intergenerational, community violence). Henna has extensive experience working with Muslim & racialized communities in both Canada and the USA, as well as Pakistan and Zanzibar.

If you would like to connect with Henna for support and/or questions, please click here.